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Welcome to

The Ulverstone Gym’s
Bellringer Challenges!

Whether you have just started your fitness journey or you are an experienced athlete you will be challenged to achieve greater fitness and strength through these programs, designed by Sports Coach and Martial Arts Instructor Sifu Stuart Clayton.

Cardio (no equipment) Challenge 1

Stuart’s fitness career began as a young child following in his fathers footsteps having a passion for the outdoors and being active. He first competed in Slalom and Whitewater Kayaking leading to representing Australia at the age of 15, in New Zealand. He also participated in Scouts which further developed a passion for the outdoors and physical challenges. He competed in professional rodeo for a few years achieving state Rookie Champion. Stuart started Martial Arts in 1987 and achieved karate black belt in 1994. He then opened his own gym in 1998 where has been coaching people to better themselves since, including professional cage fighters and other athletes. He was awarded a 7th level master Red Belt in Wing Chun Kung Fu in 2009 and a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in 2018.

Cardio (no equipment) Challenge 2

A lot of the time we hear people make the statement that they need to get fit before going to the gym which is very untrue! Going to the gym is what will help you, but for those who need a little more confidence, travel from place to place, do not live close to a gym or simply have a busy lifestyle with work and/or children, then these programs are designed for you!
They can be done at your pace in your space!

Warming up before a workout is very important as you should always kick start your cardiovascular system by raising your body temperature and increase blood flow to your muscles, which may help to reduce muscle soreness and lower the risk of injury.
Cooling down after a workout is equally important as it allows for a gradual recovery of pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure.

It is advised that you see your doctor before starting any new exercise programme.
Seeking nutritional advice can also help you achieve your fitness goals.

Some of the challenges are tough and will require focus and discipline. They will develop mental toughness and perseverance.

Most of all – have fun – why not ask a friend to enrol with you? The challenges are individual but suitable for a champion and beginner to complete side by side.

You can follow The Ulverstone Gym and Tasmanian Wing Chun Academy on Facebook and Instagram
Be sure to use the hash tags; #theulverstonegym and #newstarselite when posting on social media.